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Microtonal Improvisations

Since 2018, when I started working with microtonality more thoroughly, and particularly with tuning systems derived from alternative Equal Divisions of the Octave (EDO), I have been recording myself improvising in some of these tunings. In this page a compilation of some of these improvisations is available.

Chiptune Improvisation in 6ED7:5


Duration: ca. 3’

Software used: ET Remapper (built by myself on Max/MSP, now incorporated in Equal Tuning Lab) and bitKlavier.

Laptop Improvisation in 7EDO


Duration: ca. 3’

Software used: n-ET Microtonal Keyboard (built by myself on Max/MSP, now incorporated in Equal Tuning Lab).

Tri Improvizajoj por MIDI​-​Klavaro


Total Duration: ca. 14’

List of movements:

I. Justa Ekkanto
II. Mesatono

III. Dorika Spektro

Software used: 12-NET Microtonal Keyboard (built by myself on Max/MSP).

Improvisation in 17EDO


Duration: ca. 2’30''

Software used: n-ET Microtonal Keyboard (built by myself on Max/MSP, now incorporated in Equal Tuning Lab).

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