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Born in 1994, Lisbon, Pedro studied at Conservatório de Música de Santarém, having concluded his secondary studies on Musical Theory in 2013.

He did a Major in Composition at Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa (2013-16), studying under Carlos Marecos, Carlos Caires and Luís Tinoco. He also had classes with António Pinho Vargas, Sérgio Azevedo, João Madureira and José Luís Ferreira. In 2018 he finished his MA on Opera Making & Writing - Composition Path, at Guildhall School of Music and Drama, in London, studying under Julian Philips. Since 2019 he has been doing a MPhil/DMus in Composition at Guildhall School of Music and Drama under the supervision of Julian Anderson, Malcolm Singer and Mira Benjamin.

He studied Jazz at Hot Club de Portugal (Electric Bass and Combo, with Massimo Cavalli and Gonçalo Marques, respectively) and was a member of Big Band Júnior (2010-14), conducted by Claus Nymark.

He also participated on several workshops in Portugal and abroad of Composition, Electronic Music, Jazz, Guitar, Choir Conduction, and others.

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